Bitcoin is digital gold

bitcoin is digital gold

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Bitcoin is digital gold Search markets. Its historical reliability, real value, and use cases make it worth adding to your portfolio. Still, many large-money investors may be wary of investing in a currency whose future is unclear. Recent Articles. Read More. Back in the old days, coins were made using precious metals such as gold and silver. Gold also plays a significant role in the economy and security of several currencies.
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Is Bitcoin REALLY digital gold? #bitcoin #crypto #shorts
First, unlike gold, Bitcoin is not a collateral currency. Central banks hold gold because it can be a ready source of foreign exchange, especially for USD. Within the cryptocurrency industry, Bitcoin has earned the moniker "digital gold," drawing comparisons with the actual precious metal. Bitcoin is often touted as a digital form of gold, but what's the logic behind this? Here's a look into how it compares to the real stuff.
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Technology News Video Article. January 15, The proof of this is that, as I previously mentioned, no fiat currency was able to retain its value over time, not even the almighty dollar. New generations will surely find owning gold as an investment as alien as these lines probably sound for older generations right now.